For reasons too complicated to get into, I'm looking to slice some CLARITY brain tissue at 40 microns. Typically, I would use a cryostat for slicing fixed brain tissue, but I don't know whether freez… (View Post)
Here is the link to the protocol, on which we have based our approach; however we have made a few alterations: The hydrogel embedding and cus… (View Post)
Ended up making one myself with a 7x7x4mm chamber, which fits flush on microscope slides with a 25mm width. Very simple design, but easier to work with than Blu-Tack. STL file and 3D render: http://w… (View Post)
With a modified chamber design and electric condition, I got the fast ETC result. 1A, 30V used for 48hrs. (View Post)
Tissue expansion is not exactly related to the time spent in the clearing solution. It is true that the longer the sample sits in the clearing solution, the more expanded it gets, but this is only be… (View Post)
Hi, even under the controled 75W or 1.5mA whatever that has been applied to same sample, the clearing rate will become different by electric resistance of sample, by hardness of sample by its fixatio… (View Post)
I've found that, once most of the surrounding gel is removed, gently rolling the tissue on a paper towel or Kimwipe helps get rid of the rest. (View Post)
I'm starting a project that will (hopefully) use CLARITY on lymphatic tissue (at this point we are looking at lymph nodes and gut associate lymph tissue). We plan to set up the protocol as per the st… (View Post)