Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for me for a protein to stain for looking at dendritic spine retraction in a stress protocol (or any other protocol that induces changes). I have some structural protein ideas in mind, but I am just checking to see if anyone could suggest a protein present/expressed when alterations dendritic morphology occurs (I'm a little new to this field).
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Hi Helen, I went for Phalloidin stain (F actin) to try and target dendritic spines and unfortunately I'm having a lot of issues with being able to distinguish our targets from the background. I increased the concentration of the stain and left it for longer, and had a longer wash time, but while I am getting more definition in the staining, I'm still having issues with the background.
Were you also targeting dendrites? If not what was the aim of your stain?
Have you had any luck?