Has anyone used saponin for hydrogel embedding of non-perfused tissues? Has it made a difference in the amount of time needed for the hydrogel to diffuse into the tissue? Have you had problems with bubbles in the tissue? I am clearing mouse livers, and I've been able to clear pretty well, but I would like to start using less hydrogel solution if possible by eliminating the perfusion step. Thanks!
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I haven't used saponin yet. However, I'm going to compare w/ and w/o saponin in the next couple of days. Will let you know about my experience. Switching gears, do you mind to post one of your mouse liver cleared tissues?
The piece on the right in this picture is embedded, uncleared liver. The piece on the left was cleared for four weeks. This size seems to be too large to clear effectively. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4-Nd_LhtJMgR1FtaXUtWTVJdlU/edit?usp=sharing
This is another piece of the same liver, non-perfused but embedded with hydrogel using saponin. It has been going for about four weeks as well. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4-Nd_LhtJMgdUEtWXJlS0dFWTA/edit?usp=sharing
Here is a bit of liver that was perfused with hydrogel and cleared for two weeks. The one on the left is uncleared for comparison. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4-Nd_LhtJMgUExnaHBEcXg5U0E/edit?usp=sharing
From my experiments, I would say hydrogel perfusion is necessary - otherwise it takes too long and doesn't clear quite as well. I have not tried using saponin after doing the hydrogel perfusion. I'm very interested to hear your results!