I`ve ordered some FocusClear lately and received with my order also a sample of a new product called
RapiClear 1.47.
The datasheet says its a water-soluble clearing reagent. It also suggest it can be applied for
techniques like CLARITY. They even show some images of different mouse tissues in RapiClear, with pretty
decent clearing.
Does somebody already tried this RapiClear on his/her samples
and would like to share their experience?
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Do you also get yellow tissues with RapidClear?
I'm obsessing with yellow because it shows that UV and blue lights are scattered in clarity tissues. I achieved a neutral color after ETC, but focusclear turned my samples yellow again.
I still can't image anything useful with wavelengths ranging from 405nm to at least 550nm. This is for me the most important issue Clarity has yet. I also realised that in the paper, DAPI has been imaged with a 700nm wavelength on a 2 photons, so maybe you have the same issue?
@LauraLynch RapiClear is produced by http://www.sunjinlab.com/
the site is still under construction, despite the fact that the datasheet points to check their webpage fro more information.
You can see the detail in http://www.sunjinlab.com.
Did anyone yet try RapidClear on whole brains?