Has anyone had any experience trying the CLARITY protocol on tissue other than Brain or spinal cord? We were hoping we could use this approach to examine the clonality of fat pad development and/or clonality in solid tumors. I'm concerned we will build a chamber only to find we simply "cleared" away our adipose tissue...
If anyone has experience with other tissue types I would love to hear how it went!
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We've had success in passively clearing our mouse kidneys, hearts + aortae, small intestine and colon. We're still working on the human aorta as this was not as successful. One thing we did note is that the per-vascular fat and perirenal fat in the kidneys with the capsule intact did not clear despite nearly 8-9wks of passive clearing. Not sure why this is... it's possible that the lipid concentration is so high that without ETC to speed up the process the SDS can't remove the fat from the adipocyte stores.
Hope this helps answer some of your questions
I tried on heart, liver and kidney :
- heart : it was difficult because i see a transparency only on the left ventricule (1 month 1/2 on passif clearing)
- liver : after 2 months I saw a transparency on the extremity but on a liver lobe with ETC chamber it's work
- kidney i'm septic because after 2 months (passif clearing) it's not clear ...